A Gaelic Housing Strategy

Primary Author or Creator:
Màrtainn Mac a’ Bhàillidh
Bella Caledonia
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Màrtainn Mac a’ Bhàillidh explores innovation and action to support gaelic housing in the highlands.

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Rural Highland communities, Island communities, and the Gaelic speaking communities that exist within them all need politicians, civil servants, and activists to be creative, bold, and imaginative in developing solutions. There is no doubt that the housing crisis is a multifaceted and complex issue, but there are measures in place that are having a positive impact elsewhere, and in the case of the Rural Housing Burden, already in use in the Highlands and Islands. The status quo is unacceptable, and it is past time for all of us to demand action and new ideas. A Gaelic Housing Trust would be an important step forward in supporting and maintaining Gaelic as a viable community language.
