A prosperous Scotland

Prosperity Requires:

  • Natural Resources and Scotland is a Resource-Rich Country
  • A Skilled Population - One of Scotland’s most valuable resources is its people
  • Excellent Sectoral Clusters and Products   -  Scotland will compete on quality within the global economy. 
  • Extensive Financial Service Systems. Scotland has many institutions that can handle large scale financial projects, expansions and
  • investments. 

Scotland's natural wealth could clearly be one of the key foundations of Scotland's future prosperity as a independent nation. It is unreasonable to believe that a country as naturally wealthy as Scotland would not thrive if it were to gain the power to manage these resources for Scotland's benefit rather than have those benefit diluted and distributed across the rest of the UK.

Scotland has a surplus in international trade in goods. The rest of the UK's and especially England's, has a trade deficit.  Scotland has many; exporting advantages an significant untapped potential. Scottish exports and economy are far more likely to thrive with the bespoke policies and attention they would receive in an independent Scotland.

Scotland is an innovative nation, but we rely on EU skilled labour and access to the single market.  The Brexit settlement is a real threat to Scotland. Investing in innovation and cutting edge industries together with bespoke innovation policies will be a key plank of the economic strategy of an independent Scotland.

Scotland has a highly developed infrastructure. Devolution has provided a head start in setting up the governing structure needed upon independence. 

Scotland possesses enormous human capital advantages and is investing heavily in the potential of the younger members of our society. 

Brexit is the only manor threat to Scotland's prosperity and that alone makes Scotland staying within the UK the greater risk than the required constitutional changes of independence.


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Believe in Scotland