Creag Ghuanach

Primary Author or Creator:
Gemma Smith
Bella Caledonia
Alternative Published Date
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One in a series of explorations of Gaelic place names

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"What has this got to do with history and place-names? As Tuhiwai Smith also says: ‘to resist is to retrench in the margins, retrieve what we were and remake ourselves’. Our indigenous languages across the world are key to this, with Gaelic literature and place-names providing a portal not just into an alternative version of our past, but into a way of being in our environment where we are not disenfranchised and disaffected but at home; a place in which huge tracts of land are not subject to the caprice of a single overprivileged man – or woman; a landscape in which there is a place for everybody, human and non-human. Is treasa tuath na tighearna.  "
