Delivering Scotland's Circular Economy: A Route Map – A CommonN Weal Response

Primary Author or Creator:
Craig Dalzell
Common Weal
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
consultation response
Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
Fast Facts

"A true Circular economy should be based on the principles of:

  • demand reduction (more goods being leased and borrowed rather than purchased),
  • Producer Responsibility (where the producers of goods are responsible for the entire lifecycle of their goods as well as the packaging, waste and pollution they create – even inadvertently or when waste is disposed of improperly) and a
  • “Design for Zero” principle where goods are designed to fit within the Circular Economy and produce as little waste as possible and where waste, particularly packaging, is created, it can be easily re-used or composted."
More details

"The measures in this roadmap are often individually worthy of support though many of them are themselves insufficient – a single step forward where ten are needed – and the entire package of policy proposals is itself insufficient. While we certainly do not oppose many of the proposals in this consultation we do oppose the underlying premise of this roadmap as it will not lead to a Circular Economy even if every component part of it is implemented in full. We therefore call on the Scottish Government to scrap this plan, consider what a Circular Economy would look like if it was implemented in full and then redesign the roadmap so that that desired end goal is achieved. Once again, we suggest Common Weal’s own Common Home Plan as the basis for an improved route map."
