Direct impact of Scotland’s own currency on social benefits

Primary Author or Creator:
Lynne Copland
Bylines Scotland
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Type of Resource:
Fast Facts
"Scotland having its own currency not only benefits the wellbeing of the population through proper funding of the life science sector but also the economy of the country"
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"The establishment of a wellbeing economy, which is the goal of the current party in power in the Scottish parliament, is not possible without control of the financial levers to invest in the Scottish Health Service, life science and associated sectors. However, there are measures which could be taken now to build the platform on which a wellbeing economy could be built.

Work could begin on the establishment of a central bank, ensuring that digital payment systems are ready to be launched by a post-Independence government and the currency designed and agreed, so it’s ready to be introduced as soon as practicable. During the transition to a new currency, sterling should be used for a period as short as possible.

The new currency will be needed as soon as practicable to avoid the need to borrow in a foreign currency. Evidence-based policy development and planning is critical to Scotland’s future economic and societal wellbeing. The feasibility of the Scottish Currency Group’s proposals have been extensively researched and their execution carefully considered."
