How an Independent Scotland could reset the basic State Pension

Primary Author or Creator:
Business for Scotland
Business for Scotland
Date Published:
Type of Resource:
Online article
Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
5 mins
Fast Facts

How an Independent Scotland could reset the basic state pension. The basic UK state pension is the lowest in the developed world at 21.6% of final earnings. UK citizens are expected to make private provision for their retirement. This leaves the poorest, in particular women, locked into pensioner poverty. A newly Independent Scotland may want to borrow ideas from other countries with better pension arrangements.

More details

Reducing the risk of poverty in old age is challenging. UK Governments of both political colours, have for several generations, deliberately kept state pensions low, to force those that can afford it, to take out private pensions, in order to boost the UK finance sector. Two million pensioners live below the poverty line.

An Independent Scotland will have to look further afield than the U.K. outmoded pension model. Pension models in Denmark, Ireland and the USA are considered

