Human Rights [in Scotland]

Primary Author or Creator:
One Scotland
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Scottish Government
Scottish Government
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
government report
Fast Facts

A description of the current state of human rights in detail and how to exercise them in Scotland.

More details

Human rights cover things that we probably all take for granted. They allow us to live, marry and have families. They also include civil and political rights. They let you have an opinion and voice it, they let you vote, celebrate your beliefs and get a fair hearing should you ever need one. And they cover economic, social and cultural rights which covers things that are much more day to day. They are there to make sure you have an adequate standard of living, don’t go hungry, ensure you have access to water and sanitation and have access to healthcare.

All of this is built on an original document called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

And how are they protected?

Here in Scotland, your human rights are protected in a number of different ways. Some rights are protected by the Human Rights Act, which incorporates most of the European Convention of Human Rights into our legal system. The Convention is also embedded into the Scotland Act, which makes sure that the people in charge act according to those rights in any action they take. In Scotland, we also have access to other human rights because the UK has signed up to various international human rights treaties. The way it works is that most civil and political rights are protected under the Human Rights Act, whilst Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are covered by international treaties. It’s worth noting that while Economic, Social and Cultural Rights can’t be claimed through the courts, the Government has a responsibility to make sure you still enjoy these rights as far as they possibly can.
