Land and Property Titles by Country of Origin: Report

Primary Author or Creator:
Registers of Scotland
Registers of Scotland
Alternative Published Date
31 December, annually
Type of Resource:
Fast Facts

Land titles with a UK owner address outwith Scotland represent just under a sixth of the country’s land area.

More details

"While the vast majority of owners of property and land -  93.1% - live in Scotland, 5.2% of titles are held by people living in the UK outwith Scotland, while 1.5% are outwith the UK. The USA accounted for the largest number of titles held by foreign owners, at just over 3,000 - followed by Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Republic of Ireland and Jersey.

"In total, the RoS report notes there were 1.86million land and property titles registered in Scotland at the end of last year. This includes 27,635 titles in Scotland for which the owner had an address outwith the UK. More companies purchasing or leasing in Scotland were based in Jersey than anywhere else.

"More than eight out of ten land and property titles - 84% - were held by individuals, with 11.6% companies, 2.8% trustees or limited partnerships and 1.6% a combination of owner types. When it comes to UK owners outwith Scotland, Edinburgh and Glasgow were the most popular areas of Scotland for these kind of titles, at 18% and 13% respectively. Renfrewshire was the third most popular area, accounting for around 10 of outwith UK titles."

Quotes are from The National, 29 March 2022

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