How much does Scotland contribute to the UK economy?
The exact amount is difficult to determine, but the union drains wealth from Scotland. In terms of wealth per head, the Scottish central belt generates as much wealth as London and the South. Scotland’s north east is one of the best performing economic areas in the UK. But the south east and west of England has the greatest concentration of wealthy households.
Full answer here: Scotland's contribution to the UK economy
Economy of Scotland
Author / Creator: Wikipedia
Media type: Wikipedia
Date published: 2021-
The economy of Scotland had an estimated GDP of $205 billion in 2020. This includes oil and gas extraction in Scottish waters.
Parting Ways How Scotland and the remaining UK could negotiate the separation of debts and assets
Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell
Media type: Policy Paper
Date published: 2020
Upon declaring independence, the public assets must be divided by sensitive negotiations.
Where does Scotland’s wealth go?
Author / Creator: Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp
Media type: Web site
Date published: 2013
When you compare the map of where the wealth ends up with a map of where the UK’s wealth is generated, the union drains wealth from Scotland.
Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland 2020-21
Author / Creator: Scottish Government
Media type: government report
Date published:
Estimated total 2020/1 expenditure for the benefit of Scotland was £99.2 billion. Spending increased by 21.0%, reflecting the costs of the health and wider economic interventions in response pandemic. This is equivalent to 9.1% of total UK public sector expenditure, or £18,144 per person, which is £1,828 per person greater than the UK average.