Who will pay for Scottish independence?

There are three aspects - initial debts inherited, the cost of work to establish operations, and the continuing financial position. The costs can be covered by the assets transferred to Scotland, issuing of bonds, and borrowing as all nations do.

Full answer here: What is the financial impact on Scotland of independence?

Scotland the Brave? An Overview of the Impact of Scottish Independence on Business

Author / Creator: Clifford Chance

Date published: July 2021

Businesses in an independent Scotland will have to react to

  • new legislation
  • Citizenship arrangements
  • National assets division
  • New currency
  • New tax regime
  • New financial regulator

Among other things.

Parting Ways How Scotland and the remaining UK could negotiate the separation of debts and assets

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2020

Upon declaring independence, the public assets must be divided by sensitive negotiations.