Reform Scotland’s Land

Primary Author or Creator:
Common Weal
Common Weal
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Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
2:20 min
Fast Facts

Land reform is a social justice issue. How can democratic decisions about the kind of country we want in the face of a small number of landowners?


More details

There is no country in the western world which has fewer people owning so much of its land as in Scotland and so there have been calls for land reform for hundreds of years. It is a social justice issue – but it is about so much more than that. It is about our environment, our wildlife, our communities, employment and homes for the next generation, the nation’s economy and the life of our towns and cities. If our land is controlled by a tiny number of rural landowners and a smaller number of big property developers, how can we make democratic decisions about the kind of country we want to build for the future?

"A Mosaic of Life" is a 2:20 minute video
