Primary Author or Creator:
Col Gordon
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Fast Facts

Ways that a "renewed application of [traditional ecological knowledge] and  methods can help transition to sustainable, locally-appropriate forms of agriculture in the post fossil-fuel era."

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"What would a decolonised Gaelic landscape look like today? How can we work towards that now? We are living in a time where, one way or another, things are not going to stay the same. Changes in how we go about using the land are inevitable. Today, and certainly tomorrow, there are going to be more and more calls for rewilding and for crofters to change their land practices in response to the various ecological and climate crises.

Is now the time to start to recover some of these lost practices; these ruins of our past? By attempting to revive, repurpose, and reinvent some of these old lifeways, foodways, and ways of interacting with and using the land, we may be able to actively support some of these key Gaelic ideas and cultural practices and by doing so play a role in the reconstitution process "
