
Scottish independence: what does the diaspora think?

Author / Creator: Murray Stewart Leith

Media type: Article

Date published:

Scottish independence is a matter for debate, not only in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK, but also in the Scottish diaspora. Their views have rarely been sought, yet they will have a view on the constitutional future of their homeland.

Scotland - Statistics & Facts

Author / Creator: D. Clark

Media type: Article

Date published:

Scotland is the second-largest country in the United Kingdom and has a population of approximately 5.48 million. With a population density of just 70 people per square kilometer, Scotland is also the most sparsely populated country in the UK.

The number of recorded crimes in Scotland has declined substantially in recent years, falling from almost 512,000 crimes in 2004/05 to around 289,000 in 2022/23.

Scotland’s Census 2022 - Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2024

Dramatic changes in Scottish society shown in 2022 census

What Does Independence Have to Offer to Young People?

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Opinion

Date published: 2023

The voice of young people is often overlooked

Proposed Commissioner for Older People Consultation

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: consultation response

Date published: 2023

This highlights the need to address ageing as an ongoing aspect of Scottish society

Local development plans – defining Gypsies and Travellers: consultation

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Consultation paper

Date published: 2022

Proposed definition of Gypsies and Travellers for local planning.

Japan island depopulation: lessons for Scotland

Author / Creator: Jane Atterton

Media type: Research Report

Date published: 2022

Explores policy approaches to depopulation on Japan's islands, and proposes a series of recommendations which may help inform the development of future island depopulation.

LGBT+ POC & Minority Ethnic Faith Experiences of Conversion Practices

Author / Creator: Expert Advisory Group on Ending Conversion Practices

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Ethnic minority respondents are two times more likely to be involved in conversion therapy than white respondents. Transgender respondents within black and minority ethnic faith communities are at even greater risk

Expert Advisory Group on Ending Conversion Practices Report and Recommendations

Author / Creator: Expert Advisory Group on Ending Conversion Practices

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Guiding principles which offer a clear framework to guide the Scottish Government on ending conversion therapy for homosexual people

Qualitative Research for the Scottish Government’s Scottish Connections (Diaspora) Work

Author / Creator: Murray Stewart Leith

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Picturing and Understanding the Diaspora, Engaging the Diaspora, Supporting and Recognising the Diaspora are important in all diaspora initiatives 

A Scotland for the future: opportunities and challenges of Scotland's changing population

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2021

Scotland’s first national population strategy, framing the diverse and cross-cutting demographic challenges that Scotland faces at national and local level, and setting out a programme of work to address these challenges and harness new opportunities.

You are here: Home / Culture / The paywall keeping the public out of history The paywall keeping the public out of history

Author / Creator: Richard Rodger

Media type: Article

Date published:

The release of the digitised version of the 1921 Census is being released by a commercial organisation, requiring payment to use it, contrary to all previous releases.