Independence pros and cons

The arguments for and against Scottish independence

Author / Creator: JULIA O'DRISCOLL

Media type: News Media

Date published:

Summary of pros and cons of independence.

What are the arguments for Scottish independence? Experts explain the reasons why Scotland would vote ‘Yes’

Author / Creator: Jenna Macfarlane

Media type: News Media

Date published:

A summary of reasons for Scottish Independence.

What are the pros and cons of Scottish independence?

Author / Creator: Peter Mirtitsch

Media type: Web site

Date published:

Scottish independence is where Scotland is governed by people who live and work in Scotland, with a government based in Scotland. We get to decide our own way in the world, and if we want, we can join whatever other bodies, such as the EU that WE want for OUR reasons, and we can welcome people from all over the world who wish to live, work, and contribute to our society.