Income distribution

A tax system designed for Scotland's economic and social objectives will provide benefits.

Full answer here: A tax system for Scotland

An Index of Social and Economic Well-being (ISEW) across 32 OECD countries - 2006 to 2018

Author / Creator: John McLaren

Media type: survey report

Date published: January 2020

 Compares the indicators of income; education; longevity; and inclusivity for the OECD countries and the nations of the UK.

How small independent countries create a better, more equal society

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

It has become clear that small, independent countries largely outperform the UK and offer greater security to their citizens. This includes pensions, income distribution and public social spending. 

How small independent countries create a better, more equal society

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published:

It has become clear that small, independent countries largely outperform the UK and offer greater security to their citizens.