Private renting

Rent needs to be indexed to affordability. Homelessness needs to be tackled. Rented housing both private and public should be energy efficient and at affordable levels. Legislation is being implemented to secure quality housing for new and existing buildings by 2040.

Full answer here: Private and rented housing plans for Scotland

Claim Scottish Government is spending £3bn to subsidise landlords is False

Author / Creator: The Ferret jpurnalists

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2022

A claim that the Scottish Government is subsidising private landlords is false.

Alienating, insecure and unaffordable: Living in Scotland’s private rented sector

Author / Creator: Ben Wray

Media type: Assessment report

Date published: October 2017

Young people are  most affected by the growth of the private rental sector. It is insecure. They are more separated from the community than in social housing. The quality of the private rental sector housing is inferior in general.

Housing For A Better Nation

Author / Creator: Sarah Glynn

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: August 2014

Good housing needs more than good housing policy. Housing policy needs to be part of wider social changes towards a more equal, community-centred, environmentally sustainable society.