Economic policy

Austerity will be a choice. There is likely to be a temporary economic downturn after full independence, but any sustained austerity will be a choice, not a necessity.

Full answer here: Austerity in an independent Scotland?

A key argument for independence is that economic alignment with the UK is no longer applicable. The weaker the alignment with the UK economic model, the greater the opportunity to “do things differently”, but the greater the short-term risk and upheaval.

Full answer here: Economic alignment with UK

The contradictory political economy of an independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Axel Ruppert

Media type: Thesis

Date published: 2016

Scottish identity is used to frame values that are shared all over the UK as genuinely Scottish.

Time to shake up Scotland

Author / Creator: John McLaren

Media type: Article

Date published:

There is a lack of critical scrutiny of key policy areas in the Scottish Government's control.

An Investment-Led Economic Development Framework For An Independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

Scotland, if independent, could improve its performance across 12 key pillars of its economy. There are a number of economic theories beyond the current one used by the UK. An investment-led economy would include laying down the foundations of a Green New Deal.