Income inequality

The Case for Taxation

Author / Creator: The Jimmy Reid Foundation

Media type: Briefing

Date published:

The progressive case for taxation is grounded in principles of fairness, social justice, economic stability, and democratic governance. By taxing higher incomes at a higher rate, society can more effectively address income inequality, promote economic growth, and invest in public services that benefit everyone.

Scotland After Britain: The Two Souls of Scottish Independence

Author / Creator: James Foley

Media type: Book

Date published: 2022

What is Scottish Independence for?

Going for growth – or broke?

Author / Creator: David Eiser

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

Reaction to the Tax, Stamp Duty, Investment proposals in September 2022 UK budget.

A Better Nation. The Challenges of Scottish Independence

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: eBook

Date published: 2022

A Better Nation aims to go beyond the superficial divisions and media noise in order to address matters of real substance.

One in five people in Scotland now live in poverty – here’s what’s being done to tackle it

Author / Creator: John H McKendrick

Media type: Article

Date published:

The latest estimate (2018) is that one million people in Scotland are living in relative poverty – that is, after housing costs, they are left with a household income that is below 60% of the national median.

A Guide to Scottish GDP

Author / Creator: Fraser of Allander Institute

Media type: Guide

Date published: 2020

  • Scotland's GDP per head is at the average of the OECD countries, just behind Great Britain.
  • Gross Vaue Added per head - the most being 3 times the least area.
  • Disposable income per head has much less variation. 
  • The Human Development Index shows Scotland very close to the UK

Was Britain's economy already broken or will Brexit break it?

Author / Creator: The National

Media type: News Media

Date published:

The economic situation has been made even worse by the unfolding disaster that is Brexit. Scotland's view has been ignored by the Westminster government.