
A tax system designed for Scotland's economic and social objectives will provide benefits.

Full answer here: A tax system for Scotland

Tax Research Wiki

Author / Creator: Richard Murphy

Media type: Wiki

Date published:

The Tax Research wiki has three objectives.

  1. provide background information on key issues that might need regular explanation.
  2. provide a link to external resources on key themes.
  3. act as a repository for blog posts that explain recurring themes, such as money creation.

Scots remain confused over who sets tax rates

Author / Creator: Terry Murden

Media type: Article

Date published: April 6, 2021

Scots continue to be unclear about who is responsible for taxation north of the border.

Scotland doesn’t have the highest taxes in Europe

Author / Creator: Full Fact

Media type: Fact check

Date published:

A number of European countries have higher income tax rates than Scotland.

Tax Research UK

Author / Creator: Richard Murphy

Media type: Blog

Date published:

This blog is written by Richard Murphy as a narrative commentary on tax, economics, and related political issues.