The Path to break out of the UK – Scotland’s Forgotten Constitution

Primary Author or Creator:
David Heriot
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
Discussion Paper
Fast Facts

The Claim of Right is a standing constitution that remains in force in Scotland today, under treaty and constitutional law. We can and should use it to withdraw from the Union.

More details

The route to restoring our independence does not lie with repeatedly asking – begging, some would say – the UK government for some Section 30 order to give us permission to hold an independence referendum. It lies with the re-establishment of The Convention of the Estates – the assemblies of the communities – that once flourished in Scotland.

To gain our freedom, we need to begin the process of declaring the ‘invasion’ of our constitution unlawful and to begin replacing an unconstitutional government and power system with the best expression of self-government that we can imagine.
