The Turkey that Voted for Christmas (Twice): How Poor Negotiation of the Fiscal Settlement has Failed Scotland

Primary Author or Creator:
Jim Cuthbert
Common Weal
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Fast Facts

The new fiscal review has been conducted in secrecy and without significant consultation with the Scottish Government.

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This is a depressing state of affairs. What should be done? Four steps should now be taken:

1. The Scottish and Westminster Governments should explain why the fiscal settlement review was not conducted along the lines promised in the Kate Forbes letter. And they should release a full account of the negotiations leading to the 20th July agreement.

2. On a point of relative detail, but nevertheless important: the original Smith Commission recommendation that consideration should be given to a wider scheme of prudential borrowing in Scotland should be picked up again.

3. There should now be a wider debate about the extent of the detriment Scotland will incurr through the suboptimal performance of the UK monetary union which is implied by the current fiscal settlement: and how this should be compensated for under a reasonable interpretation of the Smith principles.

4. And the fiscal settlement itself should be re-opened, as allowed for under the Joint Exchequer Committee arrangements.
