A Fair Energy Deal for Scottish Communities

Primary Author or Creator:
Community Land Scotland
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Community Energy Scotland, Development Trusts Association Scotland
Community Land Scotland
Alternative Published Date
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Fast Facts

Against a backdrop of challenges and opportunities in transitioning to a net zero society, a coalition of community sector organisations – including Community Land Scotland, Community Energy Scotland, Development Trusts Association Scotland, Scottish Communities Finance and Scottish Community Alliance – have come together to issue the following calls for action on behalf of communities across Scotland. Contained in this document are Our Seven Calls to Action to government, industry, and communities to create a Fair Energy Deal for Scottish Communities

More details

The drive to net zero by 2045 and expansion of renewable energy in Scotland provides a huge opportunity
to secure meaningful community benefits, support community-owned renewables and ensure that wealth
being generated from Scotland’s natural resources is shared fairly across Scotland. Current ambition for
onshore renewable generation (both new and repowered), offshore wind generation, and associated
requirements for widespread electricity network upgrades present real opportunity to generate sustainable
income and legacy for the people of Scotland.
Community understanding and fair participation in the energy sector is essential to ensuring local buy-in
and appreciation of the need for the large-scale transformation of the UK electricity network required to
ensure our collective low carbon future
