A Natural Fit? The Greens in Government

Primary Author or Creator:
John Curtice
What Scotland Thinks
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Fast Facts

the decision of the Scottish Greens ... to take two junior ministerial positions in the SNP-led Scottish Government does not seem to have done them any harm at all.

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The two co-leaders have much the same profile in the minds of the electorate – and thus do not necessarily complement each other. In both cases (see here and here) around twice as many voters have an unfavourable rather than favourable view of them – but then widespread popularity is rarely a bonus afforded leaders of small parties. In both cases too, the attributes that voters are most likely to think they have are intelligence (here and here) and being genuine (here and here) – while they are both least likely to be regarded as strong (here and here) and charismatic (here and here). It would seem that while both are respected for their ability to articulate their convictions, neither is particularly successful in creating a sense of dynamism and direction. But perhaps voters will be looking for the latter as Scotland deals with a post-COVID, Ukraine-exacerbated, energy crisis?
