Attitudes to Immigration: A view from Scotland

Primary Author or Creator:
Sarah Kyambi
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Rebecca Kay
Migration Policy Scotland
Alternative Published Date
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Fast Facts

The Scottish public have a positive attitude toward migration.

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Our Key Findings:

1. A greater proportion of the Scottish public want immigration to be increased (38%) rather than decreased (28%), although those wanting an increase mainly support a modest increase, while those wanting immigration to decrease want it to be reduced ‘a lot’. A sizeable proportion want immigration to ‘remain the same as it is’ (34%).

2. The impacts of immigration are seen as positive by the majority of people in Scotland. This is true of impacts at both Scotland (59%) and local area level (48%).

3. People in Scotland have a strong preference for labour migrants to have the option to remain in Scotland for the longer term ‘to settle and integrate’ (66%)
