Feed-In Tariffs Scheme: Common Weal Consultation Response

Primary Author or Creator:
Gordon Morgan
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal
Date Published:
Type of Resource:
consultation response
Fast Facts

Common Weal strongly disagrees with the proposal to end export and generation tariffs for renewable energy. It will be harmful to the renewable energy industry. It will not significantly reduce energy costs for consumers - they cost approximately £1 per household per year.

More details

― Common Weal strongly disagrees with the proposal to end export and generation tariffs for renewable energy on 31st March 2019.

― Doing so will be irrevocably harmful to the renewable industry with the solar industry likely to be badly affected.

― It will slow progress on carbon emission reduction, particularly in England.

― Eliminating the tariffs will not significantly reduce energy costs for consumers who don’t directly benefit from them – research has shown they only contribute to bills by approximately £1 per household per year.

― In light of our fundamental disagreement with this proposal, Common Weal will make no comment on further questions in the consultation.
