Renewable energy

Record renewable energy output

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Article

Date published:

Green sector delivered more electricity than Scotland used for first time.

North Sea 2. The future of Energy from the North Sea

Author / Creator: Nick Butler

Media type: Report

Date published: 2023

The low carbon development of the North Sea is not a new idea.

Re-Booting The National Energy Company for Scotland With Geothermal Energy

Author / Creator: Douglas Chapman

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2023

Scotland more than ever needs accelerated action on the energy and the climate crisis, and yet geothermal energy, a significant and proven source of renewable energy, remains untapped 

Carbon-free, Poverty-free

Author / Creator: Keith Baker Dr Ron Mould Dr Craig Dalzell Jonathon Shafi

Media type: Report

Date published: 2019

Fuel poverty is not only worse in rural Scotland than in urban Scotland, it also has different characteristics

Scotland’s energy future – Damaged by five UK government failures

Author / Creator: Business for Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"Is the UK government preventing Scotland from reaching its renewables potential? The answer is yes!"

It's all about renewables

Author / Creator: Bill Magee

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"Central to how we're perceived overseas is...all all about renewables"

How will local communities get a fair share of record investment from offshore wind farms?

Author / Creator: Alison Murray

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Scotland outstrips the world for wind FDI investment in 2022. However, community-owned wind farms generate much more benefit than commercially operated schemes.


ScotWind: Privatising Scotland’s Future Again

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

"Instead of mass-privatisation along the same lines as was done during the development of Scotland’s oil, Common Weal offers a nationalisation plan that could have been deployed using policies currently endorsed by the parties of the Scottish Government."


Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Report

Date published: 2023

This report

Looks at developments in the year since the initial Scot Wind investment

Examines claims around the committed investments in Scotland to support ScotWind’s supply chain

Compares the results of the initial auction to international examples

Examines claims by the Scottish Government that it cannot, in the devolved context, keep Scotland’s energy resources in public hands.

Scotland’s energy future – Damaged by five UK government failures

Author / Creator: Business for Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

The UK government is preventing Scotland from reaching its full potential

Heat networks - thermal energy target 2035: consultation

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Consultation paper

Date published: 2022

Consultation on heat network targets for 2035

Case studies to support scenario mapping for offshore renewable energy development economic benefits

Author / Creator: BVG Associates

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Scotland has opportunities in renewable energy by building on experience from the oil and gas, and the onshore renewables sectors. There are significant barriers, though.

How would energy be cheaper in an independent Scotland?

Author / Creator: Business for Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

Scotland has huge potential to produce renewable electricity. At the moment, that is limited by the UK’s energy policy, and also by the outdated, privatised National Grid.

Bought and Sold for Corporate Gold

Author / Creator: Jonathon Shafi

Media type: Discussion Paper

Date published: 2022

the sale of Scotland’s renewable energy to private corporations is a serious impediment to independence.

Pioneering North Sea renewables project unveiled at COP 26

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

Offshore wind resources in the North Sea will create thousands of jobs and boost Scotland ‘s ambitions to be a world leader in renewable energy through a plan unveiled at COP 26 in Glasgow.

The key to powering an independent Scotland’s future. Open minds on indepencence #16

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: News Media

Date published:

Renewable energy holds the key to powering Scotland’s future. The country is so richly blessed with prized natural resources. It is well-placed to become a key player in the sector.  The renewables industry currently contributes £6.4bn to Scotland’s economy and employs more than 23,000 people. 

Feed-In Tariffs Scheme: Common Weal Consultation Response

Author / Creator: Gordon Morgan

Media type: consultation response

Date published:

Common Weal strongly disagrees with the proposal to end export and generation tariffs for renewable energy. It will be harmful to the renewable energy industry. It will not significantly reduce energy costs for consumers - they cost approximately £1 per household per year.