Lift The Ban: Why Giving People Seeking Asylum The Right To Work Is Common Sense

Primary Author or Creator:
Lift The ban Coalition
Scottish Refugee Council
Alternative Published Date
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Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
Fast Facts

The Lift the Ban coalition, made up of over 200
non-profit organisations, think tanks, businesses,
trade unions and faith groups, is calling on the
UK Government to give people seeking asylum
and their adult dependants the right to work:
unconstrained by the Shortage Occupation
List, and after they have waited six months for
a decision on their initial asylum claim or
further submission.

More details

In this report, we argue that a policy change would:
Strengthen people’s chances of being able to
integrate into their new communities
Allow people seeking asylum to live in dignity
and to provide for themselves and their families
Give people the opportunity to use their skills and
make the most of their potential
Improve the mental health of people in the
asylum system
Help to challenge forced labour, exploitation,
and modern slavery
