
Back to Life: Mapping Scotland’s Alternative to Grouse Moors

Author / Creator: Lateral North

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: December 2018

An illustrative map – based on real Scottish geographic data – showing what a reformed former grouse moor could look like.

Back to Life: Visions for Alternative Futures for Scotland’s Grouse Moors

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

Of all the possible uses of this land, grouse shooting is not only the least moral, it is by far the least economically effective. In fact, almost any other use will create more value and more jobs per hectare.

Land Reform: Re-Shaping Scotland’s Social Landscape

Author / Creator: Dylan Howel

Media type: News Item

Date published:

Scotland has one of the most concentrated patterns of private land ownership in the developed world. Just 450 people own over half of the private land in Scotland. This entitlement has survived un-challenged for 500 years, a privilege that has its roots in royal favours and aristocratic archetypes

Public Land Value Capture: A new model for housing development in Scotland

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: Feburary 2018

This report outlines the case for public land value capture. A process by which councils, not those selling land, can benefit from the increase in land value due to changing use. It can reduce house prices by not passing that uplifted cost on to renters and buyers of the houses built on such land. 

Better than This

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2021

We must emerge from the Covid pandemic in a way that 
Fixes the problems raised by the crisis. 
Fixes the problems evident before the crisis and makes us resilient.
Implements a green new deal.
Establishes a new democracy. 
Begins a national care service.
Starts land reform.
Creates a housing revolution.
Controls our own energy.
Provides better banking
Focus on independence.