NHS Scotland

NHS in Scotland 2023

Author / Creator: Auditor General

Media type: Report

Date published:

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Understanding Scotland - Society

Author / Creator: Diffley Partnership

Media type: survey report

Date published: October 2021

A look at Scottish society as we emerge from the pandemic, and addresses the fundamental questions: Is Scotland on the right track? Where do we want to go as a country? And who do we trust to help us get there?

200 No to Yes voters tell us why they now believe in Scotland

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Opinion poll

Date published:

A survey of 200 people who changed from "no" to "yes" showed multiple reasons.  The main ones were:

  • The effect of Brexit
  • UK government incompetence
  • Better Together lied
  • Had come to have more belief in Scotland
  • Felt NHS was not safe as part of the Union