Local Government

Local government in England, Scotland and Wales

Author / Creator: Sophie Stowers

Media type: Article

Date published:

Sophie Stowers explains the different structures of local government in England, Scotland and Wales. She also sets out how local councils work, what services they provide, how they are funded, and when they are elected.

Taxing Land In Scotland

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Article

Date published:

A proposal for a Local Authority controlled Land Tax with projected revenue for each Local Authority in Scotland

Scotland’s Very Own Democratic Deficit

Author / Creator: Coll McCail

Media type: Article

Date published:

The detrimental impacts of the Scottish Government’s council tax freeze have been clear since the policy was announced last October – without the prior knowledge of civil servants or council leaders.

Rewiring Scotland

Author / Creator: Scott Dickson

Media type: Report

Date published: 2023

Local government does not have the independence or finances to operate effectively.

The Smith Commission; COSLA Convention Item 3

Author / Creator: COSLA

Media type: Report

Date published: 2014

The COSLA review of the implications of the Smith Commission report for local government.

National Care Service (Scotland) Bill 2022 – What it is and what it isn't

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Discussion Paper

Date published: 2022

Democracy and accountability have been sacrificed on the basis of building on what is already there in the failed Health and Social Care Partnerships. The Bill removes the role of local authorities, and we would be concerned about their future as a bedrock of democracy – despite all their flaws.

How Covid changed Scotland: Our local government must be reimagined

Author / Creator: Ben Wray

Media type: Article

Date published:

Ben Wray explains why local government has to be reimagined 

Local Government

Author / Creator: Neil McGarvey

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

Local councils have a range of political and bugetary pressures with a wide range of welfare, democratic, and cultural roles.

The Civil Service and Government Structures

Author / Creator: Richard Parry

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

The civil service in Scotland is part of the UK civil service and acts with those norms in mind.

Divest¦Reinvest: Scottish Council Pensions for a future worth living in

Author / Creator: Ric Lander

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: March 2017

A report of the effects of divestment of Scottish pension funds from fossil fuel companies and re-investment into socially and environmentally useful investments.

Development Councils: A Proposal For A New System Of Local Democracy In Scotland

Author / Creator: Robin McAlpine

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

A new tier of local government - Development Councils - is required to have truly local government with a range of powers drawn from existing authorities.  This is achievable within the existing powers of he Scottish goverment.

Development councils; a proposal for a new system of local democracy in Scotland

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

Scotland has the worst degree of local democracy in Europe. To correct this, Scotland should create a new tier of local democracy at the community level. The size and shape of each new democratic area should be defined by communities themselves. Each area should be represented by a Development Council, elected by every member of the community aged 16 or above.