Scottish government

The SNP’s slow route to building independence

Author / Creator: Richard Parry

Media type: Article

Date published:

The Scottish Government under Humza Yousaf’s brief and unsuccessful leadership maintained some momentum on independence by issuing nine further instalments of their series ‘Building a New Scotland’ between June 2023 and March 2024.

First Ministers and political leadership: Part 2

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Scottish politics, the parliament, the nature of government and the role of First Minister changed when the SNP inched past the Labour Party in May 2007 and formed its first ever administration.

First Ministers and political leadership: Part 1

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

A review of the first 25 years of Scottish Government first ministers.

A Better Relationship: A Fresh Agenda For Scotland’s New First Minister

Author / Creator: Jamie Gollings

Media type: Opinion

Date published: 2023

A devolutionist view of Issues for the First Minister

Here’s how Humza Yousaf can deliver a fairer, greener Scotland

Author / Creator: Adam Ramsay

Media type: Opinion

Date published: 2023

"After 16 years in power, the SNP is stagnating. With these 16 policies, the new first minister can change that"

Is it time tae think again about Flower of Scotland?

Author / Creator: Martin Roche

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2023

Scottish Rugby’s Jim Telfer wants a new anthem for Scotland

What new institutions of economic policy would an independent Scotland need?

Author / Creator: Gemma Tetlow

Date published: 2022

Building trust in a post-independence Scottish government’s commitments to sound economic policy and sustainable public finances  requires strong, operationally independent institutions 

Public procurement - views and experiences: research

Author / Creator: Blake Stevenson Ltd

Media type: Research Report

Date published: 2022

The process of bidding for Scottish public sector contracts is difficult.  Organisations referred to challenges with a lack of time or capacity to bid, the complexity of the bidding process and difficulties in meeting the requirements of the contracts.

Time to shake up Scotland

Author / Creator: John McLaren

Media type: Article

Date published:

There is a lack of critical scrutiny of key policy areas in the Scottish Government's control.

The ‘Scottish Approach’ to Policymaking

Author / Creator: Paul Cairney

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

The Scottish government approach to policymaking is distinctive in the way it uses evidence to inform policy and policymaking.

Interest Groups and Policy Communities

Author / Creator: Iain MacLeod

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

the so-called ‘new politics’ that devolution was meant to espouse has instead continued the dominance of traditionally privileged groups.

The Leadership and Management of Public Services Reform in Scotland

Author / Creator: John Connolly

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

Reform of public services in Scotland have been undermined by a focus on constitutional matters and an empowerment agenda.

The Civil Service and Government Structures

Author / Creator: Richard Parry

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

The civil service in Scotland is part of the UK civil service and acts with those norms in mind.

A Holyrood you trust or Westminster you do not? Open Minds on Independence #23

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: News Media

Date published:

How does the Scottish Government score in the Worldwide Governance Indicators?

1: Voice and Accountability - good

2: Political Stability - good. Better than England

3:Government Effectiveness - good and more trusted than England

4: Regulatory Quality - good although an independent Scotland would need some new regulatory bodies

5: Rule of Law - good. It has a well-regarded legal sysem

The Statistics of Devolution

Author / Creator: David Byne

Media type: Book

Date published: 2019

Statistical collection and analysis needs to be improved in a devolved UK.  Greater detail of local and regional analysis is required for both Scotland and England.

Thinking Outwith the Box, GERS 2020-21 and the SNP conference Agenda

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Podcast

Date published:

What the latest GERS figures mean (and don’t mean) for Scotland, independence and the post-pandemic recovery.

Claim Scots will be £2,000 worse off after independence is Unsupported

Author / Creator: The Ferret

Media type: Fact check

Date published:

The "Union Dividend" of £1941 per person [in 2019] only refers to the difference in current spending per head. It does not tell us what Scotland’s financial position would be after independence. 

Preparing Scotland digitally for independence

Author / Creator: Gordon Morgan

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: November 2017

Most tax collection, borders and customs, and foreign affairs, which are mostly reserved areas, would need to new IT systems established upon independence. The methods and costs are examined.

Towards a Defence & Security strategy for an independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Garry Macdonald

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: December 2017

This paper is intended to provide an overview of the following aspects of a Scottish Defence & Security Strategy:

• What is meant by ‘Scottish national security’
• What threats it would be required to address
• What framework it would operate under
• How Scottish foreign policy would impact it
• What institutions would implement it

The intent of this paper is not to serve as a finalised strategy but instead to provide a basis for further discussion and development.

Public Procurement in Scotland: The case for scrutiny, accountability and transparency

Author / Creator: Margaret Cuthbert

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

Procurement in Scotland is shrouded in secrecy and wide-ranging reforms are needed to ensure transparency and accountability.