
Just Warmth: Developing equitable and Sustainable District Heating Systems in Scotland

Author / Creator: Keith Baker, Ron Mould

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

Scotland heats the majority of its homes and buildings in inefficient and deleterious efforts to become a net zero-carbon nation. Much more effective than individual boilers would be a system of District Heating Systems (DHS). These DHS networks could be supplied with a variety of sources such as biomass, solar thermal or industrial waste heat.

Powering our Ambitions: the Role of Scotland's National Energy Company and the Case for a Scottish Energy Evelopment Agency

Author / Creator: Keith Baker

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

A call for the Scottish Government to launch a National Energy Company and a Scottish Energy Development Agency.  These bodies would work together to rapidly and strategically decarbonise Scotland’s energy network whilst also supporting community energy projects and developing the new skills and technologies Scotland – and the world – will need to face the challenges of climate change and fuel poverty.

Scotland is a Powerhouse of Renewable Energy

Author / Creator: Scottish National Party

Media type: Video

Date published:

Scotland generates more renewable energy that it uses.   

Better than This

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2021

We must emerge from the Covid pandemic in a way that 
Fixes the problems raised by the crisis. 
Fixes the problems evident before the crisis and makes us resilient.
Implements a green new deal.
Establishes a new democracy. 
Begins a national care service.
Starts land reform.
Creates a housing revolution.
Controls our own energy.
Provides better banking
Focus on independence.