Scottish Society

Autonomy of Modern Scotland

Author / Creator: Lindsay Paterson

Media type: Book

Date published: 1994

No Scottish politics reading list would be complete without Lindsay Paterson’s Autonomy of Modern Scotland

The New Sociology of Scotland

Author / Creator: David McCrone

Media type: Book

Date published: 2017

A ground-breaking, comprehensive account of the social, political, economic and cultural processes at work in contemporary Scottish society.

Independence in the modern world. Wealthier, happier, fairer: why not Scotland?

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

This paper sets out a detailed analysis of the UK’s performance across a range of economic and social indicators relative to that of ten European countries. 

Caledonian Dreaming: The Quest for a Different Scotland

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Book

Date published: 2014

Hassan challenges the myths that define modern Scotland and its place in the United Kingdom.

Bella Caledonia: An Anthology of Writing from 2007 – 2021

Author / Creator: Bella Caledonia

Media type: Book

Date published: 2022

This is a book celebrating fourteen years of publishing and collaborations. We have taken the idea of ‘self-determination’ and began to ask what would that mean for us as individuals, communities, towns and cities, not just as a nation? We have taken the idea that we have been living through a mistake in our timeline. In Scotland we thought we needed a parliament, then realised it’s actually a democracy we need. Our question is: what does that democracy look like and how can we create it, now?