The Claim of Right

Primary Author or Creator:
Sara Salyers
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
Discussion Paper
Fast Facts

Scotland has a proud history of popular democracy, of human rights, of a code of justice and of a principle of equality.  

More details

Scotland was a nation that held power to account, that saw to the needs of the poor and the rights – not just of nobles – but of everybody. It tells of the right to rebellion against tyranny and of the care of a people for the education of the poorest as well as the richest, (something that didn’t reach England until centuries later it was in place across Scotland). Of the right not only to justice for all but of the kind of justice that applied to king or a candlemaker alike. Something that has never existed in England.

Not only should we all know the true history of Scottish constitutional development – and be proud of it – but this history contains something vitally important, a Scottish birth right. It is our own constitution, born of a thousand year old history which tells the story of who we are and uncovers the stolen rights that we were guaranteed as a people.
