
Yes, Scotland needs a written constitution.

Full answer here: A Constitution for Scotland

Preparing for the end

Author / Creator: Peter A Bell

Media type: Article

Date published:

That the people of Scotland are sovereign is both a constitional fact and an inviolable principle

How did we get here? The SNP’s unravelling political strategy and the 2024 UK General Election.

Author / Creator: Mark McGeoghegan

Media type: Article

Date published:

For the first time in eight years, Scotland will have an election that is not first and foremost about Scottish secession from the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, understanding the dynamics of the constitutional debate in Scotland, and particularly the SNP’s failure to secure a second secessionist referendum and the disarming of the SNP’s most powerful electoral narratives, remains crucial for understanding how we came to this place in Scottish politics.

On Surprises, Strategy, the Economy and What Comes Next for Scottish Independence

Author / Creator: Iain Docherty

Media type: Article

Date published:

Nicola Sturgeon's resignation as First Minister and leader of the SNP has thrown Scottish politics into flux. But beneath the superficial media coverage and frenetic party politics that followed her resignation, the fundamentals of the constitutional debate remain unaltered. One of these fundamentals, the extent to which Scotland is better or worse off being part of the UK political economy, is rarely debated in the depth it deserves.

Scottish constitution should include the right to free healthcare

Author / Creator: Jim Stamper

Media type: Newspaper article

Date published:

IT was hugely significant that the auditor general recently reported that poor mental health cost the Scottish economy £8.8 billion in 2019.

The SNP’s slow route to building independence

Author / Creator: Richard Parry

Media type: Article

Date published:

The Scottish Government under Humza Yousaf’s brief and unsuccessful leadership maintained some momentum on independence by issuing nine further instalments of their series ‘Building a New Scotland’ between June 2023 and March 2024.

Constitutionally Sound

Author / Creator: Centre on Constitutional Change

Media type: Podcast

Date published: 2020-

Constitutionally Sound is the regular podcast run by the Centre on Constitutional Change (CCC). The Centre's fellows are academics in the fields of political science, economics, social policy and constitutional law. They are based at UK universities and research institutes, with a network of international partners.

Best start for independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Video

Date published: 2024

How To Start A New Country 

The Nation Talks, episode 134

Author / Creator: Daniela Nadj

Date published: 2023

Law Academic. Senior Lecturer in Law at St. Mary's University. Interested in women's rights, human rights, politics & discussing constitutional issues.

Independence is both inevitable and impossible. A possible pathway to Interdependence

Author / Creator: Justin Kenrick

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

“We don’t just need a different constitutional outcome. We need a different constitution-making process.”

A crisis of democracy and public life

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"We are living through yet another constitutional showdown between the Scottish and UK Governments.... The immediate issue is the Gender Recognition Reform Bill "

5 Things You Need to Know About Labour’s Latest Vow on Constitutional Reform

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2022

"Dishonest, vague, lacks solid commitment, and continues the Brexit power grab."

Renewing democracy through independence

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

People who live in Scotland have the right to choose how they should be governed 

Scotland's New Choice: Independence after Brexit

Author / Creator: Eve Hepburn

Media type: eBook

Date published: 2021

 Opportunities and  challenges surrounding the prospect of independence for Scotland in the light of changes since 2014.

CAMPBELL II The second report of the Home Rule and Community Rule Commission

Author / Creator: Scottish Liberal Democrats

Media type: Report

Date published: 2014

The 2014 Scottish Liberal Democrats proposal for a Federal UK

The Scottish Constitution and the Constitutional Compact

Author / Creator: Sara Salyers

Media type: document

Date published: 2022

When we apply the criteria to the constitutional documents and arrangements of Scotland prior to the Union, (1310 to 1706), we find a core of self-consistent, constitutional principles which collectively reinforce and develop those expressed in the Claim of Right Act of 1689.

A Real and Ancient Constitution

Author / Creator: Sara Salyers

Media type: Academic Paper

Date published: 2022

The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland entirely overturns the long-standing picture of a desperate, illiterate Scottish peasantry groaning under the rule of despotic kings and nobles.

The Treaty Bites Back A ‘ Forgotten’ Constitution, Scotland’s Claim of Right

Author / Creator: Sara Salyers

Media type: Discussion Paper

Date published: 2022

Westminster continues to pay lip service to the reality of Scottish sovereignty, while treating Scotland as subject to England’s constitutional parliamentary sovereignty, and hence dismissing Scotland as a distinct sovereign entity with its own constitutional rights. 

The Claim of Right

Author / Creator: Sara Salyers

Media type: Discussion Paper

Date published: 2022

Scotland has a proud history of popular democracy, of human rights, of a code of justice and of a principle of equality.  

SALVO Reclaiming the Scottish Constitution

Author / Creator: Salvo

Media type: Web site

Date published: 2022-

The Scottish Claim of Right was never extinguished by the Treaty of Union; rather, the treaty was and remains conditional upon the continuance of the Claim of Right in Scotland.