Proposals to improve the lives of asylum seekers in Scotland.
In summary, there are specific issues identified that would fall within devolved competence:
Finding ways around the Illegal Migration Act to support trafficked people
Advocating for a devolved national referral mechanism1 for the identification of victims of trafficking
If, or when, the UNCRC Bill comes into force, it could be used to prevent mandatory scientific age assessment, forcibly subjecting children to MRI scans to determine their age, determining them an adult if they refuse consent
A system where people pass initially through Glasgow where staff and support are concentrated before wider dispersal takes place
Additional resource for third sector organisations who support asylum seekers
Resource to extend third party reporting centres for victims of trafficking and exploitation
Access to concessionary travel for asylum seekers in Scotland
Education and information for asylum seekers on their rights particularly in relation to health and mental health as well as language support during appointments
Additional resource for local authorities for ESOL provision and interpreter services
Additional courses for people to acquire counselling skills and recognise evidence of mental ill health
Access to legal services.