The Scottish election: my conclusion after talking to all three pro-independence parties

Primary Author or Creator:
Richard Murphy
Tax Research
Date Published:
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Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
30mins 15 seconds
Fast Facts

A video interviewing leading politicians from the SNP, the Scottish Greens and Alba about their economic approaches to the forthcoming General Election proved to be an interesting experience.

The National gave Murphy the opportunity to interview Drew Hendry of the SNP, Neale Hanvey of Alba and Ross Greer of the Scottish Greens.

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Alba and the Greens are not going to win seats in this election. The SNP undoubtedly will. They are going to be a vital part of the parliamentary opposition to a massive Labour majority in the next Westminster parliament. Voting for them is essential, but I cannot help but say that if I could do so I would whilst simultaneously wishing they were much more convincing when it comes to economics, and other issues.
