Political Parties

Can a New SNP emerge which speaks a new story of Scotland?

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2024

A new generation needs to take back [the SNP], listen to Scotland, break with delusions and pretences, and challenge the post-democratic values which have atrophied the SNP and blunted its political antenna. 

A Broken Link? Support for Independence and the SNP

Author / Creator: John Curtice

Media type: Article

Date published:

One of the key developments in Scottish electoral politics over the last decade has been a strengthening of the relationship between constitutional preference and party choice.

The Scottish election: my conclusion after talking to all three pro-independence parties

Author / Creator: Richard Murphy

Media type: Video

Date published:

A video interviewing leading politicians from the SNP, the Scottish Greens and Alba about their economic approaches to the forthcoming General Election proved to be an interesting experience.

The National gave Murphy the opportunity to interview Drew Hendry of the SNP, Neale Hanvey of Alba and Ross Greer of the Scottish Greens.

Swinney’s Government starts as damaged goods

Author / Creator: Dean M Thomson

Media type: Article

Date published:

THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT is a reputationally challenged disaster-zone, struggling beneath myriad policy-outcome failures. There is a good reason John Swinney has emerged as SNP leader and new First Minister, unopposed. The leadership crown has become something of a poisoned chalice.

The SNP may be laid low but the call of Scottish independence is loud and clear

Author / Creator: Neal Ascherson

Media type: Article

Date published:

Polls saying the nationalist cause is no priority among voters are misleading. The aspiration to once again be a sovereign European state has only been strengthened by devolution

Labour and the Union

Author / Creator: Coree Brown Swan

Media type: Podcast

Date published: 2022

Politics in Scotland since the independence referendum has been marked by the dramatic decline of a once dominant Labour Party

The Conservatives in Scotland

Author / Creator: Alan Convery

Media type: Podcast

Date published: 2022

The challenges and opportunities currently facing the Conservative party in Scotland and whether it's time for them to go it alone.

The Conservatives in Scotland

Author / Creator: Alan Convery

Media type: Podcast

Date published: 2022

The challenges and opportunities currently facing the Conservative Party in Scotland and whether it's time for them to go it alone.

Core vs swing voters: unpacking Labour’s electoral dilemma

Author / Creator: Zain Mohyuddin

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2024

Comparison of Labour’s core supporters with the swing voters the party is trying to appeal to.

Is immigration costing the Conservatives votes?

Author / Creator: John Curtice

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2024

While there has been an increase in the number who think that immigration is too high, voters appear to be abandoning the Conservatives for a broader set of reasons.

Do Labour supporters back a softer Brexit?

Author / Creator: John Curtice

Media type: Blog

Date published: 2024

John Curtice explores what Labour voters think about a closer relationship with the EU, looking at levels of support for specific ways in which Brexit might be softened.  

Labour and nationalism

Author / Creator: Richard Haviland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

How will Labour ever understand the independence movement if they don’t move beyond the same old tropes? 

A major opportunity for Labour?

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

What is the position of the Scottish Labour Party in electoral opportunity?

The Crisis of the Story of Nationalist Scotland: Six Suggestions for a Different Politics of Independence

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Opinion

Date published: 2023

The SNP's feet of clay have been revealed.  What now?

Where Stands Scotland after the SNP Leadership Election?

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"Previously hidden assumptions and prejudices have been uncovered that will take a longer timeframe to fully do justice to."

The End of the SNP’s Imperial Era, What Comes Next and the Politics of Liberation

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"A dam holding back powerful elemental forces [in the SNP] has finally burst.

Confronting reality: Why the independence conversation must change

Author / Creator: Jonathon Shafi

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Analysing the crisis in the SNP and the future of the independence movement [during the leadership contest of 2023]

Downfall: How Class Contradictions Ended Sturgeon’s Dismal Rule

Author / Creator: David Jamieson

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Nicola Sturgeon should not be eulogised as some benign influence on Scottish politics. She ran-down the independence movement, and presided over the decline of Scottish society, argues David Jamieson.

The SNP’s new fundamentalism

Author / Creator: James Mitchell

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

Fundamentalist/pragmatist tension has been at the heart of the Scottish National Party  since its foundation. 

Scottish National Party Leaders

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Book

Date published: 2016

Scottish National Party Leaders examines all the senior figures for the first time, and is essential reading for anyone curious about how this former fringe party evolved into a political phenomenon, changing not only the face of Scottish politics, but British politics as well.