The UK’s Regional Inequalities in Comparative Perspective: Dynamics and Consequences

Primary Author or Creator:
Samuel MacKinnon
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
Briefing Paper
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Fast Facts

Compared to neighbouring northern European states, the UK is among the most unequal in terms of regional distributions of wealth.

More details

• What all this suggests is that the most dynamic economies in Europe are proving to be those in which domestic regions are on an even level of development.

• Wealth from many of the UK’s regions outside the capital have travelled into London, specifically its financial centres, as the UK has maintained an economic plan that has consolidated inequality in the state.

• Inequality is not just a symptom of the poor economic performance that has dogged the UK. It is one of the central causes of it. Moreover, this inequality is now threatening the political coherence of the UK, creating extreme political instabilities in the state.
