A fork in the road

Primary Author or Creator:
Stephen Noon
Centre on Constitutional Change
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
Discussion Paper
Fast Facts

How Scotland becomes independent ​following a Yes vote is an important part of how we would be independent, especially in the first years.

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Many of those who oppose independence aspire to a Scotland with greater autonomy and in a loose partnership with both the UK and EU. That makes me believe that there is not as much of a gulf between independence and greater autonomy – what you might even call independence within the UK - as the polarised debate might lead us to believe (despite important differences). There is black and white, but also a significant amount of grey. There is a long stretch of this journey that pro-Union and pro-Independence people could walk together now, even if the nature of the final destination is not yet agreed.

So why don’t we begin walking together, with a new constitutional convention, involving politicians, civic Scotland and genuine citizen participation - there are many potential participative models - and see where we end up? No options closed off; no option favoured. 

Could the two sides be brought together by a constitutional convention that had some shared path – for example many of the mooted elements of Labour’s ‘rewired UK' - but different possible end points – including the SNP’s independence? Is it possible for us to pause and consider another way? I’d hope so, and that does not mean I think it would be easy.
