Climate change

Fiscal Sustainability Perspectives: Climate Change

Author / Creator: Scottish Fiscal Commission

Media type: Report

Date published:

This report considers the potential effects on Scottish public finances from damage created by climate change; the costs of adapting to a changing environment and taking action to meet Scotland’s statutory emissions targets to reach net-zero by 2045.

Climate change and the link to microorganisms

Author / Creator: Lynne Copland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2024

The drip of melting Arctic permafrost is now a stream and releasing ancient microorganisms that could make Covid a side-show. Is it too late?

The Economics of Climate Change: How Scotland Should Prepare

Author / Creator: Claire Elliot

Media type: Briefing Paper

Date published: 2019

Concerns about the environment are cited as more important than those of the economy or immigration.

Environmental Policy Progress in Scotland

Author / Creator: Emma Congreve

Media type: Briefing Paper

Date published: 2020

Scotland is leading the way against climate change


Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: consultation response

Date published: 2023

It is disappointing  that the current draft energy strategy does little to to get Scotland on track towards its climate targets.

Deposit return scheme - gateway review: final report

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Deposit Return Scheme delayed

Deposit return scheme for Scotland: full business case stage 1

Author / Creator: Scottish Government

Media type: Report

Date published: 2019

Full Business Case (FBC) that underpins the design for the deposit return scheme for Scotland.

Scotland's Deposit Return Scheme

Author / Creator: Manfredi La Manna

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Querying the financial case for the Deposit Return Scheme.

The Crisis of Growth and Capital

Author / Creator: Mike Small

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"The last two IPCC reports ... have identified the economy as the problem, not the solution."

Improving emissions assessment of Scottish Government spending decisions and the Scottish Budget

Author / Creator: James Black

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

Changes are required to enable the Scottish Government to deliver its climate change objectives.


Author / Creator: Enough

Media type: Review

Date published:

The entire spectacle of COP26 demonstrated the current global political leadership‘s profound lack of political will to face the scale of the crisis.

Climate change and farming

Author / Creator: Emma Congreve

Media type: Article

Date published:

“The prizes ... of turning farming into a low emissions sector are significant... They are needed to meet Scotland’s climate change targets. The challenge is to ensure food production can...make the sector financially, as well as environmentally, sustainable.”

Economic commentary

Author / Creator: Steve Williams

Date published: September 2021

By working collectively it is possible to turn net zero commitments into tangible actions and help everyone play their part in progressing to a more sustainable future.

Scotland’s road to net zero: how far, so far?

Author / Creator: Adam McGeoch

Media type: Article

Date published:

Scotland has ambitious targets to reach net zero by 2045 and, so far, we are falling behind in the cuts to emissions needed to reach these targets.

George Monbiot: Independent Scotland could show a way out of climate crisis

Author / Creator: Spowart, Nan

Media type: newspaper article

Date published:

George Monbiot interview highlights the need for mass mobilisation to combat climate change. The 2014 Scottish Independence movement provides a good example of how to create a mass movement in the 21st century.

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Full Report

Author / Creator: IPCC

Media type: Scientific report

Date published: 2021

This report gives the current state of climate change at 2012, the possible climate futures, risk assessments for regions of the world, and the actions required to limit future climate change.

IPCC Special; with 21 Actions for Scotland to do Right Now

Author / Creator: Craig Dalzell

Media type: Podcast

Date published:

Common Weal’s latest policy paper 21 For 21 and actions that the Scottish Government should take immediately in light of the IPCC report.

Common Weal podcast #96

Watershed: the Turning Point for North Sea Oil and the Just Transition

Author / Creator: Rachel Tansey

Media type: Assessment report

Date published: September 2021

No new oil and gas fields can be approved for development.  Given the right policies, a just transition can generate more than three jobs in clean industries for every North Sea oil job at risk

A real Green New Deal for Scotland

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Video

Date published: 2020

The Common Home Plan is a reason for optimism and hope. It is a costed proposal for how to avert the environmental crises, transform Scotland and get the nation ready for the era to come. 

Back to basics: Research and Development in Scotland

Author / Creator: Ben Cooper

Media type: Assessment report

Date published:

Investment in Scotland's R&D has increased over the past decade, but lags behind the UK and other OECD countries.  Continued growth in these sectors will require significant investment and policies that incentivise R&D activity.