Funding the Scottish Health Service

Primary Author or Creator:
Lynne Copland
Bylines Scotland
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Fast Facts

Scotland in possession of a central bank becomes a currency issuer, which opens doors to investing in areas essential for the wellbeing of its population

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Post Independence with the establishment of our own Central Bank and currency Scotland will have the same financial levers and fiscal powers at its disposal as the UK Government has today. Scotland will become a currency issuer on Independence and will have the full range of fiscal powers to e.g. control inflation, and use the mechanism of quantitative easing if needed.

Quantitative easing was used by the Bank of England to purchase goods and services during the Covid pandemic and for furlough payments to maintain the economy. A Scottish Central bank could do the same. Perhaps, this fact alone will reassure those that are concerned that Scotland would be unable to cope with crises post Independence. As a currency issuer, we could maintain our economy and strengthen our public services if the need ever arose.
