Health services

NHS in Scotland 2023

Author / Creator: Auditor General

Media type: Report

Date published:

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Scottish constitution should include the right to free healthcare

Author / Creator: Jim Stamper

Media type: Newspaper article

Date published:

IT was hugely significant that the auditor general recently reported that poor mental health cost the Scottish economy £8.8 billion in 2019.

Health & Care: Finance, Workforce and Reform

Author / Creator: Jimmy Reid Foundation

Media type: Briefing Paper

Date published: 2024

As a recent study shows, privatisation is not the solution and leads to poorer outcomes. Funding is critical coupled with action on:

• Investment in digital health and care.

• A realistic workforce plan.

• Investment in social care.

• A focus on prevention and early public health interventions.

Scotland’s Unsustainable Health Service Modelling NHS demand to 2040

Author / Creator: Our Scottish Future

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Projections are that by 2040 three and a half thousand additional beds will be required.

What could reduce GP workload and improve healthcare access?

Author / Creator: Eve Livingston

Media type: Report

Date published: 2023

"GP caseloads continue to grow across Scotland, a number of initiatives spearheaded by health boards, surgeries and charities have sought to try and find solutions. "

Funding the Scottish Health Service

Author / Creator: Lynne Copland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

Scotland in possession of a central bank becomes a currency issuer, which opens doors to investing in areas essential for the wellbeing of its population

Public Understanding and Expectations of Primary Care in Scotland: Survey Analysis Report

Author / Creator: Scottish Centre for Social Research

Media type: survey report

Date published: 2022

People with fewer qualifications find it difficult to access information about health services. There is a high level of trust in health care professionals.  A sense of difficulty to get appointments is widespread.  Most people felt more satisfaction with face to face appointments than any other kind. The cost of dental services are felt to be too high and many times unaffordable.