Nationalism and the politics of austerity: comparing Catalonia, Scotland, and Québec

Primary Author or Creator:
Daniel Beland
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Andre Lecours
National Identies
Date Published:
Type of Resource:
Academic Paper
Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
Fast Facts

This analysis of the impact of austerity on nationalism stresses the role of blame as it interacts with political institutions and fiscal pressures.

More details

This article examines the impact of austerity on the politics of nationalism in Catalonia, Scotland, and Québec. In Catalonia, the recession and subsequent politics of austerity aided a secessionist turn triggered by an important judgement of the Spanish Constitutional Court. In Scotland, the Conservative austerity policies gave powerful arguments to the Scottish National Party in the context of the 2014 referendum on independence. In contrast, in Québec, austerity had no visible impact on nationalism. Our analysis of the impact of austerity on nationalism stresses the role of blame assignation as it intersects with political institutions and fiscal pressures.

National Identities  Volume 23, 2021 - Issue 1, pp 41-57.  Paywall
