Scottish nationalism

The Case for Scottish Independence: A History of Nationalist Political Thought in Modern Scotland

Author / Creator: Ben Jackson

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

The Case for Scottish Independence: A History
of Nationalist Political Tought in Mod-
ern Scotland presents itself as a major
and recent account of the intellectual
development of contemporary Scottish

‘Civic’ vs. ‘non-civic’: a comparison of individual-level support for the UK’s pro-Brexit and Scotland’s pro-independence nationalism

Author / Creator: Edwrad Goodger

Media type: Article

Date published:

This article challenges the prima facie differences between the Scottish independence and pro-Brexit movements, drawing similarities based on shared promotion of nationalism, incorporation of populism, and policy radicalism challenging consensuses over austerity/immigration.

The contradictory political economy of an independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Axel Ruppert

Media type: Thesis

Date published: 2016

Scottish identity is used to frame values that are shared all over the UK as genuinely Scottish.

The social contract: re-framing scottish nationalism

Author / Creator: Jonathan Hearn

Media type: Article

Date published: 1998

The deeply entrenched nature of Scottish civil society is a key factor in the current strength of autonomist politics in Scotland.

Labour and nationalism

Author / Creator: Richard Haviland

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

How will Labour ever understand the independence movement if they don’t move beyond the same old tropes? 

Where Stands Scotland after the SNP Leadership Election?

Author / Creator: Gerry Hassan

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"Previously hidden assumptions and prejudices have been uncovered that will take a longer timeframe to fully do justice to."

Understanding National Identity

Author / Creator: David McCrone

Media type: Book

Date published: 2015

How does national identity relate to politics and constitutional change?

The Scottish Political System

Author / Creator: James G Kellas

Media type: Book

Date published: 1989

"The enduring [Kellas] thesis is the notion of a Scottish political system.  ...The orthodox view had been that the UK was unitary and uniform apart from the odd detail and embellishment." Bella Caledonia.

Scottish Nationalism: History, Ideology and the Question of Independence

Author / Creator: Richard Finlay

Media type: Book

Date published: 2022

"SUPPORT for the Union in England can no longer be taken for granted and anti-independence messages around Scotland being “heavily subsidised” could backfire" The National

The Flag in the Wind: The Story of the National Movement in Scotland

Author / Creator: John M. MacCormick

Media type: Book

Date published: 1955

A classic narrative of early 20th century Scottish nationalism.

The National Movement in Scotland

Author / Creator: Jack Brand

Media type: Book

Date published: 1978

Traces the development of 20th century Scottish national thought and activity.

Scotland: The New State of an Old Nation

Author / Creator: Murray Stewart Leith

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

The country has transformed from the socially and politically conservative a nation contemplating a move to independence to achieve democracy and democratic legitimacy

Scotland’s Referendum and the Media: National and International Perspectives

Author / Creator: Neil Blain

Media type: Book

Date published:

The consequences of the Referendum's No result are traced in the media...until the May general election of 2015.

Twin Tracks: Cultural and Political Nationalism after 1967

Author / Creator: Scott Hames

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

The idea of Devolution arriving on a wave of artistic Renaissance and rising national ‘confidence’ is too simplistic, and obscures important disparities between the ‘twin tracks’ of cultural and political nationalism.

Busting the last of the myths around independence. Open Minds on Independence #20

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: News Media

Date published:

This article looks at myths about Scottish independence.

MYTH 7: Nationalism is by its very nature a bad thing

MYTH 8: An independent Scotland would be last in the queue to join the EU

Myth 9: You can’t hold a referendum without Westminster’s “permission”

Myth 10: Independence for Scotland would abandon the rest of the UK to permanent Tory rule

Nationalism and the politics of austerity: comparing Catalonia, Scotland, and Québec

Author / Creator: Daniel Beland

Media type: Academic Paper

Date published:

This analysis of the impact of austerity on nationalism stresses the role of blame as it interacts with political institutions and fiscal pressures.

Brexit, nationalism and disintegration in the European Union and the United Kingdom

Author / Creator: Ben Wellings

Media type: Academic Paper

Date published: 2020

The Brexit referendum opened up conflict between executive, parliamentary, national and popular sovereignties in the differing nations of the United Kingdom and had a noticeable effect on British disintegration.

Scotland: The New State of an Old Nation

Author / Creator: Murray Stewart Leith

Media type: Book

Date published:

At a time when Scotland's future has topped the agenda in Britain and abroad, this book unpicks the complex weave of Scottish politics, society and culture, providing an essential insight into Scotland's present - and its future.

The Case for Scottish Independence; a History of Nationalist Political Thought in Modern Scotland

Author / Creator: Ben Jackson

Media type: Book

Date published: 2020

An influential separatist Scottish nationalism began to take shape only in the 1970s and achieved its present ideological maturity in the course of the 1980s and 1990s. It was unusual in that it demanded independence not to defend a threatened ancestral culture but as the most effective way to promote the agenda of the left.