Preparing for the end
Author / Creator: Peter A Bell
Media type: Article
Date published:
That the people of Scotland are sovereign is both a constitional fact and an inviolable principle
Exploring Sovereignty in Scotland
Author / Creator: David McCrone
Media type: Article
Date published: 2022
The Scottish independence movement claims the Scottish people is the subject but now places independence in a European context of shared sovereignty.
Issues of Sovereignty: Redefining Politics in Scotland
Author / Creator: David McCrone
Media type: Article
Date published: 2021
The issue of sovereignty has never been resolved in Scotland. The 1998 Scotland Act, creating the Scottish Parliament affirmed that the Westminster Parliament is sovereign, but this is disputed.
State and Nation in the United Kingdom: The Fractured Union
Author / Creator: Michael Keating
Date published: 2021
The United Kingdom has often been seen as a unitary nation-state. This book argues that it should be understood as a multi national union in which the key elements of people, state, values and sovereignty are contested.
The Scottish Union in Historic Perspective
Author / Creator: Alvin Jackson
Media type: Book
Date published: 2020
Looks at the state of the union today and the reasons why its continued existence is more unsure than it has ever been.
Why did Scotland join the 1707 Union with England?
Author / Creator: BBC
Media type: Article
Date published:
A view of the progress toward the Act of Union in 1707
The Union of 1707: the Historical Context
Author / Creator: The Scottish History Society
Media type: Article
Date published:
A Scottish historical view of the passing of the Act of Union.
Acts of Union 1707
Author / Creator: Wikipedia
Media type: Wikipedia
Date published: 2008
A largely neutral record of the events leading to the union of England and Scotland.
The Act of Union
Author / Creator: Ben Johnson
Media type: Article
Date published:
The union of England and Scotland was hindered in the 17th century by Scottish fear of becoming a region of England. England feared alliances with France. The Darien Scheme bankrupted much of wealthy Scotland. Amidst allegations of bribery, the Scottish Parliament in 1707 voted for union with England.
Author / Creator: David Hearne
Media type: Blog
Date published: 2019
Decisions on independence are balanced between a few elements:
- A rebalancing of relations with England outside the EU.
- Independence with the objective to join the EU, creating a hard border with England.
- Independence outside the EU and some trading arrangement with England.
- Independence with membership of EFTA and a softer border with England.
The Future of the United Kingdom’s Territorial Constitution: Can the Union Survive?
Author / Creator: Aileen McHarg
Media type: Book
Date published:
The results of Brexit present an ongoing threat to the survival of the UK as a unitary state.
Independent Scotland’s Smart Borders
Author / Creator: W J Austin
Media type: Policy Paper
Date published: 2020
A Customs officer at an immobile Customs Station, in an open-borders 21st Century European community, has very little impact and demonstrates how Unionists miss the point, whilst further; successfully confusing our electorate by claiming “hard borders” are a show-stopper when in fact they are very largely irrelevant.
An Independent Scotland’s borders and Customs: Principles and Approaches
Author / Creator: Bill Austin
Media type: Policy Paper
Date published: 2018
Independent Scotland's Borders and Customs.
Customs revenue is the key issue of borders, not immigration and movement of people.