
The position of Scotland in the UK has been made obvious by the process of negotiating Brexit. Scotland's vote was ignored. Scotland was not consulted in any of the negotiations, the "repatriation" of powers to Westminster that had been in Scotland's power before and during EU membership.

Full answer here: Brexit mismanagement

The evidence is mixed. Not all of the 60+% who vote to remain in the EU want independence.

Full answer here: How Brexit affects support for independence

‘Civic’ vs. ‘non-civic’: a comparison of individual-level support for the UK’s pro-Brexit and Scotland’s pro-independence nationalism

Author / Creator: Edwrad Goodger

Media type: Article

Date published:

This article challenges the prima facie differences between the Scottish independence and pro-Brexit movements, drawing similarities based on shared promotion of nationalism, incorporation of populism, and policy radicalism challenging consensuses over austerity/immigration.

Leave to Remain: A Snapshot of Brexit

Author / Creator: Noni Stacey

Media type: Book

Date published: 2023

Art, Photography and Brexit

The Role of EU Immigration and the Threat of Brexit

Author / Creator: Sotirios Frantzanas

Media type: Briefing Paper

Date published: 2019

Do EU immigrants still feel wanted in the UK?

Three reasons why Scotland needs independence more than ever

Author / Creator: Believe in Scotland

Media type: Opinion

Date published: 2023

1. The UK is not prepared to reform the Union to accommodate real Home Rule for Scotland

2. Scotland’s energy potential is being squandered – again

3. Brexit is decimating the Scottish economy

Brexit three years on – still an unmitigated disaster for Scotland

Author / Creator: Ross Mcalinden

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

"It has now been... three years since the UK left the EU in direct conflict with the stated democratic will of the Scottish people." 

Scotland, independence and Brexit

Author / Creator: Kirsty Hughes

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

Brexit has shown the many weaknesses in the existing devolution settlement across the UK

The Case Against Global Britain

Author / Creator: Robert Anderson

Media type: Video

Date published: 2022

UK Unionist supporters continually attack Scottish Independence. This is a look at their Global Briain to show that it is actually failing us all.

A battle of sovereignties?

Author / Creator: Michael Keating

Media type: Article

Date published: 2022

The question of sovereignty has never been resolved in Scotland. 

Has the European Union empowered the regions? A pre- and post-Brexit preliminary investigation of the United Kingdom

Author / Creator: Giada Laganà

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

EU has empowered, as well as disempowered, regions and sub-national governments.

Secondly, ... regions have adapted to the EU opportunity structure.

Finally, ... regions and sub-national governments have also influenced the EU opportunity structure. 

Brexit and Beyond

Author / Creator: UK in a Changing Europe

Media type: Report

Date published: 2021

The interminable arguments and parliamentary wrangles over what Brexit might mean in theory are over, but our understanding of what Brexit does mean in practice is just beginning.

Taking back control? Brexit and the territorial constitution of the United Kingdom

Author / Creator: Michael Keating

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

Brexit removed the external support for Devolution. The territorial tensions are made worse by the fact that majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland opposed it. There have been three responses: United Kingdom as a unitary state; to fragment into its nations; and to seek a Brexit with exceptions. Only Northern Ireland has been granted n exceptions.

Brexit and the union: Territorial voice, exit and re-entry strategies in Scotland and Northern Ireland after EU exit

Author / Creator: Nicola McEwen

Media type: Article

Date published: 2021

The Brexit vote and subsequent process have exposed the limitations of devolution, and unleashed new exit dynamics. 

Brexit and devolution

Author / Creator: Centre on Constitutional Change

Media type: Video

Date published: 2022

The internal market after Brexit explained

Watch: Our Scotland, our future

Author / Creator: Centre on Constitutional Change

Media type: Report

Date published: 2022

What are young people in Scotland's views, hopes, and fears about Brexit and Scottish independence? We invited young people across Scotland to fill in a survey - here's what they had to say, including how they feel they can be included in discussions on constitutional change.

Agency and Helplessness and Scotland’s Future

Author / Creator: Bottom Line

Media type: Discussion Paper

Date published: 2022

n the last two years, Scotland has dealt with two of the biggest economic shocks in history, the health, social and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit.  

How Brexit has created a new divide in the nationalist movement

Author / Creator: John Curtice

Media type: Research Paper

Date published: 2018

The level of support in Scotland for independence has not increased in the wake of Brexit, but  support for the idea has become more closely linked to having a favourable view of the EU.

Is Brexit fuelling support for independence?

Author / Creator: John Curtice and Ian Montagu

Media type: Research Paper

Date published: 2021

Evidence suggests that while initially it had little discernible impact on the overall level of support for independence, more recently the pursuit of Brexit has served to increase support for leaving the UK.

Rival economic nationalisms: Brexit and the Scottish independence movement compared

Author / Creator: X. Hubert Rioux

Date published: 2019

The Scottish government...intention to hold a second referendum on independence in the wake of illustrative of the wider dynamism of regionalism and secessionism.