The Media and National Identity: Local Newspapers’ Coverage of Scottish Independence during the Campaign of the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum

Primary Author or Creator:
Jan-Philipp Wagner
University of British Columbia
Alternative Published Date
Type of Resource:
Academic Paper
Length (Pages, words, minutes etc...)
Fast Facts

Local Scottish papers frame “Scottishness” in a way that differs from independence. The patterns of news content point to the possibility that the local papers did not perceive Scottish independence as consistent with their idea of Scottish national identity.

More details

The 2014 Scottish independence referendum offered local newspapers a unique opportunity to frame Scottish independence in a particular manner that reinforces their influence on Scottish distinctiveness and secures their position in the media market. This gives reason to examine how The Courier and Evening Telegraph framed Scottish independence during the campaign of the 2014 referendum in order to assess if local indigenous titles capitalised on this opportunity.
