Brexit and Devolution: A New UK Settlement or the Break-Up of Britain?

Primary Author or Creator:
David Gow
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Social Europe
Alternative Published Date
May 2018
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Fast Facts

An analysis of the constitutional conflict between Westminster and the devolved administrations in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast...concludes that the UK faces a stark choice between a new political/constitutional settlement or the break-up of Britain.

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In June 2016 a small majority of British voters opted to leave the EU as they were persuaded that they would thereby “take back control” and the UK would regain its “sovereignty”. But Brexit is already proving to be highly destabilising politically as well as socially and economically.

To provide the country with greater political stability, Westminster and the three devolved governments should conclude a new constitutional settlement for pooling sovereignty within the UK, with fresh powers and competences given to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to control their people’s destinies. Otherwise, it will only undermine the current devolution settlement and assume even greater central powers in the name of national sovereignty. The latter course will almost certainly spell the eventual end of the UK – not immediately but within a few years
