Defence and Security

Nuclear War, Scotland, and the General Election

Author / Creator: David Mackenzie

Media type: Article

Date published:

On the day when Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary went on radio to say we can’t rebuild our public services if we don’t have nuclear weapons, David Mackenzie makes the case for peace, and sanity.

Defence and foreign policy in an independent Scotland – the Scottish Government’s proposals for Scotland’s place in the world

Author / Creator: Scottish Parliament Information Centre

Media type: Article

Date published:

“Scotland becoming independent will mean that we would be able to represent ourselves on the international stage in our own right. We would be able to deepen the partnerships we already have, work hard to develop new ones and, through all the work we do, fully reflect the values we seek to promote…

.. More generally an independent Scotland would seek to be an open, engaged and positive international partner.”

Scotland’s Part

Author / Creator: Janet Fenton

Media type: Article

Date published: 2023

A unique opportunity for a small country to contribute to global nuclear disarmament.

Bairns not Bombs – John Ainslie dissects Trident

Author / Creator: John Ainslie

Media type: Book

Date published: 2023

"...the UK’s nuclear weapons – all based in Scotland – would have to be scrapped if an independent Scotland demanded their removal."

Alba Party propose new defence policy

Author / Creator: MARTIN ROCHE

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2022

The Alba Party will propose a new defence policy to its members, shunning NATO and putting maritime security at the forefront of Scottish defence.

No Place for Trident; Scottish Independence and Nuclear Disarmament

Author / Creator: John Ainslie

Date published: 2014

This looks at the options for locating Trident and finds there are no acceptable places in the UK.

Trident: Nowhere to Go, 2nd Edition

Author / Creator: John Ainslie

Media type: Report

Date published: 2013

A landmark report examining potential alternative UK nuclear weapons bases if Faslane became unavailable following Scottish independence. It demonstrates that there would be no meaningful alternative – suggesting that Independence could hold the key to unravelling the whole of the UK’s nuclear programme. 


Trident: Still Nowhere to Go

Author / Creator: TPNW Working Group

Media type: Pamphlet

Date published: 2019

Based on the seminal work of John Ainslie, this pamphlet explains how Scottish independence could lead to the disarming of one of the...nuclear-armed states with the potential of a benign domino effect for global nuclear disarmament.


Roadmap for Trident Removal

Author / Creator: SNP CND Group

Date published: 2019

SNP CND road map for removal of the Trident and other nuclear warheads from Scotland

Peace research perspectives on NATO 2030

Author / Creator: Scottish CND

Media type: Rsponse paper

Date published: February 2021

The [covid] virus has revealed fundamental flaws in the strategies many states employ to provide security for their people.

An independent Scotland is the key to a nuclear weapon free world

Author / Creator: Catherine Robertson

Media type: Article

Date published:

Scotland can be on the right side of history. We can ensure that these morally bankrupt weapons owned by the UK government are removed and destroyed once and for all.

Scotland’s borders and independence

Author / Creator: Kirsty Hughes

Media type: Assessment report

Date published:

Scotland's trade with the rUK is greater than with all other areas. The negative effects of a border needs serious analysis by the Scottish Government.


Scotland's Security

Author / Creator: Isobel Lindsay

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2020

Cyber security issues are clearly emerging as a priority. Coastal protection is a high priority for Scotland. The proposed SDF should be designed for flexibility with a modest core capability.  The SDF's cost will be substantially less than that assigned to Scotland currently by the UK Government. Nuclear weapons will be a major challenge in transition negotiations. 

What would an independent Scotland’s defence and security priorities be?

Author / Creator: Colin Fleming

Media type: book

Date published: 2020

BREXIT has changed the context of thinking about the priorities for the security and defence of Scotland. The decisions will be political rather than capacity.

Towards a Defence & Security strategy for an independent Scotland

Author / Creator: Garry Macdonald

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: December 2017

This paper is intended to provide an overview of the following aspects of a Scottish Defence & Security Strategy:

• What is meant by ‘Scottish national security’
• What threats it would be required to address
• What framework it would operate under
• How Scottish foreign policy would impact it
• What institutions would implement it

The intent of this paper is not to serve as a finalised strategy but instead to provide a basis for further discussion and development.

In Defence of Scotland

Author / Creator: Independence Live

Media type: YouTube recording of the virtual conference

Date published:

A video conference discussing the defence of Scotland. Contributions from Scottish military veterans. Discussion on what a Scottish defence force would look like, NATO membership, and the Trident missles based on the clyde.